“Kingpin” (1996) is an oddball sports comedy following washed-up bowler Roy Munson (Woody Harrelson) as he grooms a new talent (Randy Quaid) to go pro. This authentic, professional-grade “Brunswick Max” bowling-pin served as a prop on the set of the film. The prop is in good condition, with accretions throughout.
KINGPIN – Screen Used Bowling Pin Prop on Custom Display
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“Kingpin” (1996) is an oddball sports comedy following washed-up bowler Roy Munson (Woody Harrelson) as he grooms a new talent (Randy Quaid) to go pro. This authentic, professional-grade “Brunswick Max” bowling-pin served as a prop on the set of the film. The prop is in good condition, with accretions throughout.
This item is accompanied by a Planet Hollywood Certificate of Authenticity COA. Custom acrylic display with screenshots and movie logo plaque. Ready to display!